0xScope creates an entity-based data analysis paradigm that reveals deeper crypto truths: structure, behavior, and relationships. Watchers has been a pioneering tools for data intelligence powered by 0xScope.

In this course, we will introduce the underlying fundamentals, diverse functions and vivid use case of Watchers so you can apply it to your professional career: as a investor, builder, or defender.

Who this course is for?

Investors & Founders

Whales & Explorer

How Watchers work

Watchers 101

1. 👁 Getting Started

This video explains where you can find the dashboards and how to use our tools.

**[Start Course**](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Getting-started-c3195761fba545cebf53096c8dd1d4ee>)

4. 📈 VC&Whale Watch

Understanding other VC/Whale’s strategies to lead your own explorations.

**[Start Course](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Watchlist-Alerts-c500de3bc87c4694a43772cd0b90cd0a>)**

2. 👁 Address Clustering

An explosion of tools have emerged to serve creators, empowering them to not only advertise other brands, but to become their own bu

[**Start Course**](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Getting-started-c3195761fba545cebf53096c8dd1d4ee>)

5. 📈 High-Risk Entities Watch

Understanding other companies' playbooks behind their launch strategy and tactics for gaining traction can serve as a foundation for dff

[**Start Course**](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Getting-started-c3195761fba545cebf53096c8dd1d4ee>)

3. 👁 Token Holder Analysis

An explosion of tools have emerged to, empowering them to not only advertise other brands, but to become their own bu

`Start Course


6. 📈 Watchlist&Alerts

Understanding other companies' playbooks behind their launch strategy and tactics for gaining traction can serve as a foundation

**[Start Course](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Watchlist-Alerts-c500de3bc87c4694a43772cd0b90cd0a>)**

UseCase Pool

For Investors & Founders

For Whales & Explorer

✨ Bonus workshops

1. ⛰Write for 0xScope Insights!

Joint research with best data analytical platform in pioneering topics

**[Write for Us](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/c33e8f08bcf142aa9e7bf964be079a51>)**

2. 📈 Join 0xScope Labs!

Collaborative webinar about 0xScope, technology and enterprise

**[Apply & Proposal](<https://spectacular-breeze-a7d.notion.site/Learn-How-to-Explore-with-Watchers-8ea551064a5d42b7938e7219dcf6e25f>)**